The Race by Oktay Rifat

What a race this is, long, introverted,
In secret or openly it lasts a lifetime.
Kith and kin, wife and children, we’re all lined up.
The minute hand nears the hour. Time moves
And wins, the Hare with the split lip sleeps,
In the storybooks he runs like lightning.

translated by Ruth Christie & Richard McKane

Oh! My long lost youth! by Orhan Veli Kanik

Where was this melancholy then,
Crying so much,
Drifting off into song,
Partying seven days a week,
Today music, tomorrow a film,
The Family Garden café, you hating it,
You should have gone to the park,
My girl, known to everyone,
My girl,
Who I’m crazy about,
Hanging on her every word,
We made a palace of a hayloft.
Where was this melancholy then.

translated by George Messo