Us vs Them

There’s a trend I’ve noticed going around various countries in the political arena which seeps its way down into the consciousness of the people governed that I find disturbing. It reminds me of the slogan from the 1960s America during the Vietnam War protests and Civil Rights marches that went: “America: Love It or Leave It”. Now it is used in different countries with perhaps different wording but it is essentially if you are not with us, then you are with them and we not only don’t want you but you are the enemy just like them. Them, of course, being anyone not supporting a candidate, a political party, an ideology, a religion, a racial group, an ethnicity, whatever. It is a form of tribal mentality that really runs counter to the principles of any religion that I am familiar with: that being one that is inclusive not exclusive. To embrace the other because there is no other, just another version of ourselves.

But these so-called leaders are purposely dividing people into camps because a divided people are easier to control, and these leaders are, let us not deceive ourselves, only thinking of control which obviously increases their power to influence those they control. Whether it’s a political candidate, a leader of a country or state, a religious leader, a rebel group, a union boss, or some opinionated person at a social gathering or on social media, this type of labeling only leads to further alienation of the world’s populace and increases the level of hatred and acts of violence directed towards each other. This is history repeating itself time and time again. We do not have to look very far in the past to see examples of where this name calling and labeling leads us. It’s what gave us all forms of racial, religious, gender, sexual, etc. discrimination in the past and in the present. And it leads to war, which profits no one unless you are a CEO of a major corporation that traffics in the tools or materials of warfare.

I am not so optimistic as to think change can happen overnight or in every country because there are countries on this planet that are ruled by governments that arrest and imprison people who think differently, are different, and oppose those in power even with words. These governments will not change unless the people who are governed change them. But not every country is a candidate for change, where the culture of a people leads the majority to submission to a powerful leader or party, but if pressure of the world community is put to bear on those regimes it is possible that over time change will occur. After all, if minds are open, anything is possible anywhere. And, of course, the best way to influence change in other people, as well as in other countries, is by example, not warfare or sanctions or bullying. Be what you preach and others will be influenced by that behavior.

I am not a religious person in the sense that I do not prescribe to a particular religion because religions separate us, too. Recently I was having a conversation with a young woman I respect whose thinking has always impressed me and she said that after reading the Qur’an for the third time in Arabic she found that the word Islam did not appear once, that there was no mention, in other words, of a separate religion but just a belief in the one God others believed in, too. That it was the words of another prophet who followed other prophets trying to direct people in a similar direction of faith as the prophets before him. What she said was so in line with what I have always believed and which I hear others agree with, too. For those of us who believe in God actually believe in the same God and that God would not condone those who try to pervert the words in any of the holy texts people believe in. They all basically say the same thing and that is what should unite us, not keep us apart. And leaders who try to pit us against each other are not on the side of any God I know of.

I wrote not too long ago that I was ashamed of the way America was reacting to the Syrian refugee crisis. Well let me rephrase that to say I am ashamed of the way some Americans are reacting to the Syrian refugee crisis just as I am ashamed of some Americans who are using hateful language to divide people by color, ethnicity, religion, race, gender, sexual persuasion. That is NOT the principles America, the America I call my country, was founded on. And any person desiring to lead America should remember that, just as people should remember that as they go to the polls and reject anyone who forgets that the immigrants who came to those shores for the last 400 odd years came to escape that very same kind of thinking, that no one group of people are more important than any other group, that everyone is equal not just in the eyes of the law but in the eyes of God. And for those who do not believe in God, well they should remember that their right not to believe is guaranteed by law and thus should hold that law sacred.

Not to belabor my point any further, I will end by saying language has power and when any leader or government or religious group uses that language to separate us, then we must hold them accountable for the chaos and violence they unleash. There is no US and THEM. Just US. A people ranged all over the world in a variety of colors, shapes, and thinking, but united in our humanity and need to live in peace.