I Find You by Rainer Maria Rilke

I had you in all these things of the world,
that I love calmly, like a brother;
in things no one cares for you brood like a seed;
and to powerful things you give an immense power.

Strength plays such a marvelous game–
it moves through the things of the world like a servant,
groping out in roots, tapering in trunks,
and in the treetops like a rising from the dead.

translated by Robert Bly

10 thoughts on “I Find You by Rainer Maria Rilke

    • Yes. I just told Bridget that I don’t have much of his own work (a couple of books in storage like Leaping Poetry that come to mind) but carry several books of his translations with me wherever I go.

    • They’re from a collection of Bly’s translations called The Winged Energy of Delight.
      Wonderful collection.
      I have the Mitchell Duino Elegies ^ Sonnets to Orpheus, too, but there’s something about Bly and all his translations that keep staying with me. I’ve carried his translations of Lorca, Jimenez, Neruda, & Vallejo with me for years. And I love his translations of the Scandinavian poets, too, and Kabir. It’s funny, though, that I have little of his own work. But I love his translations.

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    • I appreciate the mention of my posting of Rilke and commented on your post already. Who knows. Maybe someday I’ll be a friend you meet or at least one who comes to hear you read.

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